New York City Department of Education
District 75
Mary Maher, Principal

Welcome Parents
and Families!

Attendance and the Hospital Schools Program
Students can earn credit toward their grades by participating in the Hospital Schools Program. While in the hospital, the student can take The New York State Regents, English Language Arts and Mathematics exams (grades 3 through 8).
Online Resources for Parents

Parents, the resources listed below are provided to support your child's educational needs:
Hospital Schools Program and the Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

Your child's hospital teacher will work with your child's school to provide individualized instruction. We recommend sharing a copy of your child's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) so that the teacher can better understand your child's needs.
Find out more about:
Special Education programs and services offered in New York City.
Committees on Special Education (CSE) and Committees on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) in New York City.